PR Strategist Column Earns Accolades from Journalists

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For the second straight year, one of my bylined “In the C-Suite” columns has been cited by the Florida chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists for excellence in magazine commentary and criticism.  It is one of three finalists for the top award which will be announced at a ceremony in Miami on August 4.

The column, entitled “Anatomy of a Scandal at Wells Fargo,” appeared in the Public Relations Strategist in January of 2017.  The Strategist was published quarterly both online and in print by the Public Relations Society of America.  It was recently merged with another PRSA publication, Tactics, and is now called PR Strategies and Tactics.

I think that people who are seriously interested in crisis avoidance or damage mitigation will be interested in this column.  Following are the first two paragraphs:

If you’re looking for a case study in how to avoid, manage or recover from a corporate crisis, then don’t look at Wells Fargo. It’s hard to find anything that the company’s leaders did correctly.

When analyzing how executives of companies get their organizations into crisis situations, certain words commonly pop up: insular, entrenched, unethical, insensitive. Every one of those terms applies to Wells Fargo.

If you’d like to read the entire column, here’s the link:

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