“Best Business Books 2012” ~ ExecRank
World Class Communication
How great CEOs win with the public, shareholders, employees, and the media.
About the Book
This is the age of communication—the time in which strong communication skills are essential to success. Whether an organization is large or small, the most skilled communicator is the person most likely to get to the top and succeed there.
This book is an essential manual for today’s leaders and those who wish to rise to leadership positions.
It offers personal insights from some of the best CEOs of recent years along with the lessons taught and learned by the author in 30-plus years of coaching top executives.
World Class Communication is packed with stories of good and bad handling of countless situations with expert tips on how to succeed in even the most challenging. It also answers many questions for success-oriented people including the following:
- What qualities define a great leader?
- What is executive presence and how does one project it?
- What communication tools do I need most to be seen as a leader?
- How can anyone become a confident and compelling speaker?
World Class Communication also equips the reader with crisis lessons, procedures, and examples that could help an organization save its reputation along with millions of dollars.
To read chapter one: “The Scudder Method” Click here
To buy the book on Amazon.com, click here
To buy the audio book, click here